Monday, November 30, 2009

The Challenge

This begins as a challenge from a couple of my students who think it would be good for me to write. Personally, I hate writing. I love reading. I even enjoy editing. But not writing. I have a hard time with this "stream of consciousness" thing because I'm constantly editing the stream. I know that's not the purpose. But what if I write it wrong. Or it sounds stupid. Besides, who would want to read my thoughts anyway. It all sounds very negative I know and is exactly the kind of thing I would never accept from someone else. Why is it so much easier to encourage and support creativity in others and not in myself? It's that old vampire of dispair. "Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I’d think he was a mentally ill asshole, but if the vampire inside my head says it, It’s the voice of reason." [title of show] So today I take up my stake and say "Die vampire, die!" I won't promise that I will write often or that the content will amount to much. But perhaps it will teach me to lighten up on myself a bit and enjoy a little creative freedom.